sábado, julio 03, 2004

4 de Julio inusual

Este será un 4 de Julio singular... Aparte de ser el Cumpleaños de Estados Unidos (su Día de Independencia), mañana:

- en Nueva York, se va a colocar la primera piedra de lo que será la Torre Libertad en el espacio donde estuvieron las Torres Gemelas del centro mundial de comercio. Se cree que sea la mayor torre del mundo, con 1776 pies de altura, en clara referencia a la fecha de la independencia americana. Esperen ver una ceremonia masónica en la colocación de un gran bloque de granito.

- Será también en Portugal la final de la EuroCopa -practicamente el Santo Grial de la postmoderna Europa de hoy- de futbol soccer, donde seguramente ganará Grecia. Y no será todo...

- Astrologicamente será un día poderoso. Goro Adachi, experto en simbología, escribe en Etemenanki:

"...Venus will be crossing the galactic meridian in early July again. (Venus is going back and forth in that region during this period.) The meridian crossing will occur on July 4 - Independence Day. This could be viewed as a key date especially when added that the crossing point's galactic latitude will be -19.5 degrees..."

El meridiano principal es el límite donde se deciden cosas importante como el tiempo, como sucede en Greenwich. Ahora vean que también la Vía Lactea tiene una meridiano así y que precisamente por ahí pasará Venus el Día de la Independencia. Y lo que es aun más peculiar es que la latitud de cruce será de menos 19.5 grados, una de las proporciones mágicas más importantes en arquitectura sagrada por ejemplo. Tampoco es de extrañar que los antiguos toltecas y aztecas hayan decidido fundar Teotihuacán y Tenochtitlan en una latitud muy cercana a esa. Querían crear ciudades sagradas. Y continúa Goro, en ese día...

"The Sun and Sirius will be meridionally aligned (104° 8') in the ecliptic grid the next day (July 5).

Venus' crossing of the Galactic Meridian will take place very near the star Aldebaran, the brightest star of Taurus known as 'Bull's/God's Eye'. The star was also the 'Torch-Bearer' (according to Ptolemy) as well as the 'Messenger of Light' (Akkadian 'Dil-gan'). Aldebaran in other words can be viewed as an alter ego of Venus since Venus is traditionally Lucifer the 'light bearer'.

Independence Day (July 4) would be most fittingly symbolized by the Statue of Liberty - which is a form of Isis-Mary-Venus and obviously a 'torch-bearer'!... What's more, the Athens Olympic Games itself, the destination of the torch, will begin on the 225th day of the year 2004 (August 13), designed to numerically match the orbital period of Venus which takes 225 earth-days.

Finally, July 4 is 13 days away from June 21, the summer-solstice day. As repeatedly stressed in the Time Code series, Sirius and summer solstice are calendrically inseparable: in ancient Egypt Sirius' heliacal rising coincided with midsummer, with the beginning of the annual Nile flood (symbolic of the Osirian resurrection), and marked the New Year. The Julian calendar had derived from this Sirius-based calendar system of ancient Egypt, and it is now 13 days behind the modern Gregorian calendar. This means July 4 is calendrically analogous to June 21/summer solstice! And it should also be noted that subtracting 13 days from June 21 gives us June 8, the very date of the Transit of Venus.

Notice that the position of the Sun on the summer solstice makes Orion, the constellation representing Osiris, look like the Statue of Liberty holding a bright torch

Notice that the position of the Sun on the summer solstice makes Orion, the constellation representing Osiris, look like the Statue of Liberty holding a bright torch (see image right).

So I cannot help but infer that we're in for some event(s) comparable in impact or at least in concept to the Reagan death ('Osirian resurrection' theme) around July 4. The window would be something like July 1 through July 7."

¿Será la muerte de Marlon Brando, el rey de una generación de actores, el reflejo al que se refiere Goro Adachi? Vayan a saber, pero son divertidas todas las sincronicidades que un solo día puede tener... pero siendo Venus -la diosa de la belleza y del amor- la que cruza el límite este domingo, dejénse llevar por ella y llenen de abrazos y besos a quien hace tiempo no se los dan.

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