lunes, agosto 23, 2004

Contaminantes causan epidemia en enfermedades del cerebro

The Guardian publica hoy que un estudio de 20 años realizado en países industralizados como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia, Japón, Holanda, Francia, Alemania, España... muestra que las enfermedades cerebrales (Parkinson, Alzheimer, problemas neuromotores...) se han triplicado.

"The alarming rise, which includes figures showing rates of dementia have trebled in men, has been linked to rises in levels of pesticides, industrial effluents, domestic waste, car exhausts and other pollutants, says a report in the journal Public Health.
In the late 1970s, there were around 3,000 deaths a year from these conditions in England and Wales. By the late 1990s, there were 10,000.
'This has really scared me,' said Professor Colin Pritchard of Bournemouth University, one of the report's authors. 'These are nasty diseases: people are getting more of them and they are starting earlier. We have to look at the environment and ask ourselves what we are doing."

¿Qué estamos respirando? ¿Qué tiene nuestra agua? ¿Qué sustancias tiene nuestra comida?
Es tiempo de pensar en ésto y hacer algo ahora. Después ya es muy tarde...

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