jueves, mayo 26, 2005

Miles de niños desaparecen en Rusia

Hace poco les platicaba que miles de niños estaban desapareciendo en Inglaterra, bueno ahora vienen noticias más tetricas...

Los Angeles Times reporta un caso que ha abierto todo un fenómeno de terribles proporciones. Todo empezó por que cinco niños no regresaron a sus casas al final del día, el 16 de abril, en un poblado de Siberia, en Rusia. La gente y la policía entonces los buscaron por todo el país hasta que este pasado 8 de mayo el misterio se resolvió.... al menos sobre su paradero. Sus cinco cuerpos se encontraron al fondo de un pozo de desague, completamente quemados. Este caso tan grotesco hizo ver una realidad que pocos querían ver: al año se pierden 30 mil niños en Rusia. Hay muchos niños que huyen de sus casas y se suman a los miles de niños de la calle que existen en una extremamente desigual sociedad rusa. Pero éste no era el caso de esos cinco niños siberianos.

"Boys will be boys, of course. But these were normal children. These children were well-bred, they had good manners. Their parents were very involved in their schooling," said fourth-grade teacher Natalya Vikulova, who taught both Maxim and Sasha.

She pulled out a grade book and pointed to a long row of 5s and 4s, the equivalent of As and Bs, next to the boys' names.

"There is nothing that can make me believe they ran away. And the children couldn't just burn themselves up like that in the bottom of a [9-foot] hole. Five children together?" Vikulova said. "My personal opinion is that something horrible occurred....

As soon as the word "murder" came up, headlines began laying out various possibilities. Kidnapping by a gang of pornographic film producers or black-market organ dealers — neither scenario, unfortunately, unimaginable in today's Russia. The "maniac variant" was mentioned in several news reports.

Only last week, the charred bodies of two 13-year-old girls were found in the faraway city of Volgograd, and three men were arrested in the case. Here in Krasnoyarsk, the second-largest city in Siberia, police for years have been looking for a suspected serial killer responsible for leaving human body parts in various locations between 1999 and 2003, including the severed heads of two young boys."

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