lunes, julio 11, 2005

Más "coincidencias" extrañas en los ataques a Londres

Ya vimos que sucedieron en luna nueva, en una fecha mágica (siete de julio de 2005: 777) que simboliza la espada de fuego de la Kabala, que en ese misma fecha el golpeado cometa Tempel 1 cruzó la orbita Marte (Tempel 1 es una anagrama de Temple 1, el templo primero. Templo tiene la misma raíz de Tiempo, tempus en latín. El tiempo en el planeta se rige desde Londres, donde está en Primer Meridiano.... el cometa del Tiempo 1 entonces pasó la orbita del Dios de la Guerra el 777...). Los ejes del tiempo y el espacio finamente calibrados para realizar un sacrificio ritual para dar fuerza a un acto de magia negra. ¿Muchas concidencias? ¿Teoría de conspiración? Piénsenlo dos veces... No lo han visto todo aún. Nuestro investigador estrella de la parapolítica detalla que en ese mismo día en Londres, en esas mismas estaciones de metro se llevó a cabo un ejercicio de simulacro de bombas... Comenta Jeff Wells de Rigorous Intuition:

"Over the weekend, the CBC [televisión canadiense] conducted it's own interview with Peter Power, regarding London's amazing - and eerily familiar - coincidence. Power is Managing Director of Visor Consultants, "which on the morning of July 7 was co-incidentally running a security exercise for a private firm, simulating multiple bomb explosions in the London Underground, at the same stations that were subsequently attacked in real life." (Note: the link is to the program CBC News: Sunday and does not appear permanent. Hopefully one will be forthcoming.)

Researcher Paul Thompson (The Terror Timeline) made the following transcription from the broadcast:

Evan Solomon: We've heard something quite extraordinary - could be a coincidence or not - that your firm, on the very day that the bombs went off in London, were running an exercise simulating three bombs going off, in the very same tube stations that they went off. How did this happen? Coincidence, or were you acting on information that you knew?

Peter Power: I don't think you could say that we had some special insight into the terrorist network, otherwise I would be under arrest myself. The truth of it is -

Solomon: But it is a coincidence.

Power: It's a coincidence, and it's a spooky coincidence. Our scenario was very similar - it wasn't totally identical, but it was based on bombs going off, to the time, the locations, all this sort of stuff. But it wasn't an accident, in the sense that London has a history of bombs, and the reason why our emergency services did so well, and prepared probably better than any other city in the world, sadly they have to be. So it wasn't exactly rocket science or totally out of the pale to come up with that scenario unusual though it be to stop the exercise and go into real time, and it worked very well, although there was a few seconds when the audience didn't realize whether it was real or not.

It's thanks to Paul that I found the CBC link, which he posted early this morning on Democratic Underground. Curiosly, he mentioned it was the fourth time he'd posted the story, and that the previous three had been deleted without explanation. Moments later, that too was deleted. I must have posted the story half a dozen times myself on several other DU boards, and on each occasion the story vanished within minutes...."

Y luego me dicen que hay "coincidencias"... No, en ésto ya no hay concidencias, hay patrones.
Y siguiendo nuestra pregunta de quién se benefició:

- El Primer Ministro británico Tony Blair rechazó hoy la petición de los Conservadores de abrir una investigación para comprobar si se pudo prevenir el ataque.
- The Guardian comenta sobre una reunión que hubo el sábado entre agentes de inteligencias europeos y estadounidenses en Londres. Algo muy interesante salió a luz:

"A meeting on Saturday between top British, US and European intelligence chiefs admitted that there had been few breaks, few leads and no suspects, today's New York Times reported.

Christophe Chaboud, a French anti-terrorist official present at the meeting, told today's Le Monde that the apparent use of military explosives was "very worrying".

"We're more used to cells making homemade explosives with chemicals. How did they get them? Either by trafficking, for example, in the Balkans, or they had someone on the inside who enabled them to get them out of a military establishment," he said...."

Para terminar recordemos las palabras de Jeff Wells en un texto que publicó el pasado sábado, The trouble with normal:

"... America's had trouble with normal since the day it watched a police narcotics informant silence a self-described patsy on live television. It's degraded to the point at which it needed rebranding as the "New Normal" to still be recognizable to most Americans, who aren't sheep so much as lobsters who believe it's supposed to be this hot. And since at least the disclosure of Operation Gladio, and the revelations of connivance of Western military intelligence with fascists, gangsters and secret societies to wage false flag terror to discredit Europe's democratic Left, no speculation should be discounted out of hand, and nothing should be taken at face value. As Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra testified, "You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force...the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security." Person in the street shrugs: "Security comes first...."

Those who would silence inquiry with ridicule either don't know this history (this living history, as Italy is rocked by disclosure of a Gladio-like, ultra-right secret team conducting parallel "counter-terrorism"), or do, and don't want us to know it....

So we're outside the gate, thank God. And if we want to do good work, that's where we'll stay. Because the walls need to be breached, and the gate that beckons us to normalcy is part of the problem...."

Y en un deja vu - The Revenge of the Sith - que no se puede evitar, leo que El País informa: "Tony Blair reclama el apoyo del Parlamento para aprobar nuevas leyes antiterroristas ." Y algo más:

"... El jefe de la oposición conservadora, Michael Howard, ha agradecido a Blair el haberle mantenido informado de los avances de la investigación pero también ha reclamado una "investigación limitada" sobre los atentados, petición que caerá en saco roto, según fuentes próximas al Ejecutivo británico."

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Y hoy el Pais anuncia que la UE acuerda medidas de control de móviles y mensajes de internet: Blair promete deportar a extranjeros sospechosos y proteger a los musulmanes. (O sea, se acabo la libertad en internet, y los musulmanes vigilados para protegerlos...)
¡A donde vamos a llegar!