miércoles, julio 20, 2005

Sacerdote gay habla sobre la purga que viene

Andrew Sullivan pegó el correo que le llegó de un sacerdote católico, que comenta sobre la decisión que Ratzinger analiza sobre impedir que hombres homosexuales sean ordenados.

"A PRIEST IN CRISIS: Here's an email that speaks to the agony many Catholic priests are now going through, under the new Benedict regime:
"I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now, but never felt compelled to comment before, but I felt I had to after what I read about the possible upcoming Vatican document on banning gay men from the priesthood. The reason is that I myself am a gay Roman Catholic priest. For some reason, I was unaware of the response of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in 2002. I know that it was a response to a question of whether or not a homosexual could be ordained, but the idea that such a person is "unfit to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders" certainly refers to every gay man who has ever been ordained. Reading it sent a shiver down my spine.

There is a certain irony in the statement, of course, since many who are 'unfit' have indeed been ordained as you well know. The response seems to assume that no one has been. On an intellectual level, I am curious as to whether the response is meant to say the a gay man could not be ordained much in the same way the Vatican argues women cannot be ordained. From this point of view it is not a question of whether it is possible; it is not because of the very nature of the person to be ordained.

For myself, the whole thing makes me even more seriously question my relationship with the institutional Church. I love what I do and the people that I serve, it is just becoming more and more difficult to be part of an organization that has formally declared me to be 'disordered' and has already declared that I am 'unfit' to be ordained. This document could be a turning point for me, and possibly other priests like me. When it comes out, if ever, my response will depend on what it has to say. I think it unlikely that a 'purge' of any sort might occur among those already ordained; there are just too many of us and it would do more damage than could possibly be imagined.

The question would remain for me as to whether I could continue being part of the official leadership of such an organization. Still, I feel this is where God has called me; I am just not sure that God has called me to a life of such hiddeness and hypocrisy. I don't know if I would have the guts it would take to come out to the parish and explain why this policy is so wrong as you wrote about in your blog. It would most certainly mean that I would lose my job. There is no way that an 'out' priest would be left in active ministry. It is a time of great soul searching for me and for many of my brother priests who have faithfully and lovingly served the Church for years, despite their being 'unfit'."
The decision to remain in an institution that demonizes people for who they are is one only an individual can make. We can only pray that the many priests caught in this trap of bigotry can find a way forward to serve God and their consciences in a darkening time."

Son muchos los hombres gays que forman parte de la jerarquía, y que viven tortuosas terribles dobles vidas. El futuro parece será aún más oscuro para ellos, cuando Ratzinger decida que los homosexuales no serán ya ordenados. Tendrán que esconderse como si fueran leprosos, y en la organización que dice hablar por el Dios del amor. Tiempos terribles los que vienen...

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