martes, septiembre 13, 2005

Andrew Sullivan comenta sobre la nueva temporada de caza

Andrew Sullivan es una inusual combinación: británico educado en Oxford y Harvard, periodista, editor de The New Republic, bloguero pionero, conservador y abiertamente gay. Odiado por la izquierda y la derecha. Por éstas y más razones es siempre un gozo leerlo. Hoy comenta sobre la decisión que puede catapultar a la iglesia católica de una vez por todas a un lugar: el olvido.

NOT EVEN WHEN CELIBATE: The Vatican document will appear probably by the end of the year, but it appears that the decision has been made. The key point-man for reform of seminaries in the U.S., Archbishop Edwin O'Brien, has now made it clear that, in his words,
"I think anyone who has engaged in homosexual activity, or has strong homosexual inclinations, would be best not to apply to a seminary and not to be accepted into a seminary." ... Archbishop O'Brien, who is coordinating the visits to more than 220 U.S. seminaries and houses of formation, said even homosexuals who have been celibate for 10 or more years should not be admitted to seminaries.
The AP version of the story, where O'Brien prettifies his language, confirms the story. The reason? A response to the appalling clerical abuse of children and minors. Conflating homosexual orientation with pedophilia, and arguing that homosexual priests cannot be expected to maintain celibacy or refrain from raping children or minors, even if they have demonstrated such an ability for up to a decade or more, O'Brien takes the Catholic Church's pretzel-like position on homosexuality to a new level of incoherence. Notice that what is being discriminated against here is not someone's actions or behavior, but their very identity. Notice that the church is implying complete lack of self-control to all gay priests, regardless of their record or potential. Notice that in 1986, the Church officially rebutted the idea that gay men, let alone gay priests, cannot be expected to be celibate, let alone molest children. The notion that all gay men are sexually compulsive was, in the words of then-Cardinal Ratzinger, an "unfounded and demeaning assumption." That "unfounded and demeaning assumption" is now church policy. The 1986 document also proclaimed that
the human person, made in the image and likeness of God, can hardly be adequately described by a reductionist reference to his or her sexual orientation.
Yet all seminarians are now to be reduced and judged solely on their sexual orientation. Some of the basic principles of the Catholic faith - treating each individual as equally worthy in God's eyes, judging people by what they do, not who they are - are being violated by this policy. The astonishing work of gay priests across the centuries and across the globe is being denied and stigmatized and ignored. This is a huge stain on the church - reminiscent of its long, terrible history of anti-Semitism.

HOW TO RESPOND? ... If the church cannot expect celibacy from one of its own priests who has successfully stayed celibate for over a decade, what does it expect of the rest of us? Under this pope, I think, homosexual persons have become inherently morally sick, Untermenschen in his own language, moral lepers incapable of self-governance and liable to make the church "unclean." They cannot marry or form stable relationships; they cannot remain celibate; and they are all potential molesters of children. What other logical inferences are possible from this new policy?

Pregunta: ¿porqué a pesar de ser terriblemente discriminados tantos jóvenes brillantes y gays siguen estudiando para ser sacerdotes? ¿Por amor a la iglesia católica? Entonces aman a la institución más autoritaria en la historia, a la institución que en nombre Dios fomenta que millones de mujeres sufran violencia doméstica, millones se contagien de sida, millones sean discriminados sólo por amar a alguien de su mismo sexo. Si realmente amaran a Dios, es decir a la Verdad y al Amor, deberían estar en cualquier lugar, menos estudiando para formar parte de la institución más autoritaria y anti cristiana de la historia humana, la Iglesia Católica.

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