viernes, junio 16, 2006

¿Se puede ser católico y abiertamente gay?

Ayer Larry King - el conductor del principal Talk Show de CNN - realizó un debate sobre la presencia de sacerdotes gays en diferentes iglesias cristianas, entre ellas la iglesia católica. Uno de los invitados fue uno de mis blogueros favoritos, Andrew Sullivan, articulista de Time y católico abiertamente gay. No lo pude ver pero la transcripción es interesante, y en especialmente cuando comenta Sullivan:

KING: Andrew Sullivan, what do you make of all of this? You're a Catholic.

ANDREW SULLIVAN, TIME COLUMNIST: I am a Catholic and people often ask me, how can you be openly gay and be a Catholic? And my response is always I'm openly gay, because I'm a Catholic, because God taught me not to bear false witness to who I am and my faith is something that I really have no choice over. I've tried. I've had a terrible struggle with my own faith, but God wouldn't let me go and he keeps bringing me back and he keeps saying to me, in the Eucharist and in the church I love you and you belong here. And I want you to have a loving relationship and I feel that my own relationship is a gift from God. I cannot alone in my conscience before God believe otherwise. So I can do no other. I'm here because I have no choice.

Si pueden lean la transcripción completa, vale mucho la pena.

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