martes, octubre 03, 2006

El silencio de los corderos

Así se llamó la novela original que luego dió lugar a la película del mismo nombre (El silencio de los inocentes se llamó en México) que estelarizó Jodie Foster como la agente Clarice Sterling, y cuya actuación le dió el Oscar. Ese título creo refleja muy bien lo que sucedia entonces, y como hoy a inicios del siglo XXI ese silencio grita.

El viernes pasado se desató un escándalo en Washington DC, cuando un diputado (Foley) fue sorprendido de haber intercambiado mensajes electrónicos de contenido sexual con un joven becario menor de edad. Lo peor es que parece ser el liderazgo republicano en la Cámara sabía de esos mensajes, pero no había hecho nada. Es decir, su actividad fue encubierta... Como podemos ver es la misma conducta que ha tenido la jerarquía católica con sus sacerdotes pederastas: encubriéndolos. El blog político más famoso de Estados Unidos, Daily Kos, presenta muy claramente el paralelismo:

Fifty years from now, when historians write about the social problem of sexual predators in early 21st Century America, they will put a photo of Cardinal Bernard Law next to a photo of Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

These are men who had the chance to protect our children, but chose to protect a predator instead.

They did more than just fail as leaders--they endangered our families.

Like Cardinal Law, Hastert was the most powerful man in his Archdiocese--in this case, the United States Congress.

Like Cardinal Law, Hastert learned that a sexual predator was working for him--in this case a Congressman from Florida, not a parish priest.

And like Cardinal Law, Hastert chose to help the predator to protect the image of his organization instead of exposing the predator to protect America's children.

Protecting a sexual predator instead of protecting our children is a failure of leadership and a threat to the safety of America's families.

For Cardinal Law, this failure led to his resignation.

For Dennis Hastert the result must be the same.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives--the third most powerful person in our federal government--cannot keep his job now that America sees he knowingly protected a sexual predator.

Hastert protected his predator. And now that America knows--America must protect itself from Hastert.

The United States House of Representive simply cannot survive with a leader who chose to protect a sexual predator rather than protect our children.

No more debate.

No more distraction.

Dennis Hastert must step down."

Andrew Sullivan, autor de otro gran blog elabora más en este patrón:

The Vatican and the RNC

02 Oct 2006 03:26 am

A reader writes:

You seem to confuse age of consent with pedophilia. One is a legal standard and the other a psychological one. Age of consent does not determine pedophilia which has a clinical defintion, not a legal one. That definition is a sexual interest in prepubescent children. And Foley object of desire was far past the age of puberty. While referred to in the press as 16 years old (which was correct) he turned 17 and may have been 17 when the messages were written. In one such message he referred to turn 18 in a few months time.

So this is not pedophilia by any clinical definition.

If the Foley incident is not about pedophilia, it is also not, it seems to me, about homosexuality. It's fundamentally about the closet. The closet is so psychologically destructive it often produces pathological behavior. When you compartmentalize your life, you sometimes act out in one compartment in ways that you would never condone in another one. Think Clinton-Lewinsky, in a heterosexual context. But closeted gay men are particularly vulnerable to this kind of thing. Your psyche is so split by decades of lies and deceptions and euphemisms that integrity and mental health suffer. No one should excuse Foley's creepy interactions; they are inexcusable, as is the alleged cover-up (although we shouldn't jump to conclusions yet about who knew what when). But there's a reason gay men in homophobic institutions behave in self-destructive ways.

Or think of it another way: what do the Vatican and the RNC (Republican National Commitee) have in common? Here's one potential list: entrenched homophobia, psychologically damaged closet cases, inappropriate behavior toward teens and minors ... and cover-ups designed entirely to retain power. The parallels are looking a little creepy. And the source is the same."

Parece ser que el tiempo de Maat y el de Samhain (la cosecha) se están uniéndo en un sólo...

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