jueves, agosto 30, 2007

Demian Hirst: el artista vivo mejor pagado

Lo logró: vendió su famoso cráneo cubierto de diamantes en 100 millones de dólares, convirtiéndose así en el artista vivo mejor pagado. La locura del arte contemporáneo ha tocado nuevos límites. ¿Qué dice eso de nuestro tiempo? Que como dice Gilles Lipovetsky estamos dejando la postmodernidad y entrando en la hipermodernidad: las medidas de antes, de nuevo, ya no nos sirven. El lujo de antes es lo promedio de hoy. Le pasó al teléfono celular. Por eso el lujo y el arte de élite debe actualizarse, cuando medio Japón ya tiene bolsas Louis Vouitton. Copio de Towleroad:

Damien Hirst Skull Fetches Asking Price of $100 Million


Damien Hirst's diamond-encrusted skull entitled "For the Love of God" has sold to an investment group for its full asking price of $100 million, it has been revealed. No additional details about the buyer were disclosed.

The platinum skull, which is covered with 8,601 diamonds weighing 1,106.18 carats, cost $20 million to make according to the artist. It was cast from a 35-year-old 18th century European man and contains its original teeth.

Said a spokeswoman for the artist: "Damien Hirst has retained a participation in the work -- he still owns a share of it -- in order that he can oversee a global tour of the work that is currently being planned." Hirst's manager said that he anticipated the sale would close within three to four weeks.

A pictorial on the making of the skull was published in July.

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