lunes, enero 21, 2008

¿El fin de la globalización?

Barreras se levantan en todo el mundo, solo físicas (como el muro entre EU y México), sino económicas, ideológicas... ¿estamos presenciando el fin de esta globalización de inicios del siglo XXI? John Robb cree que sí en su libro Brave New War. Y el colapso financiero mundial de hoy es un paso hacia ello. Copio de NYT:

Stocks Plunge Worldwide on Fears of a U.S. Recession

Markets from Frankfurt to Bombay went into a tailspin, puncturing the hopes of many investors that Europe and Asia will be able to sidestep an American downturn.

Mirando los indicadores caer fuera del Bombay Stock Exchange, en la India. A esta debacle, Robb comenta en su blog Global Guerrillas:


I'm on the road this month speaking with/to top tier government/private organizations focused on defense and security. So far, it's been fun.

However, given the global financial bloodbath in process, the chaotic future I describe might be much closer (both in timing and to home) than many in my audiences anticipate. Hopefully, the frameworks and models I provide them for thinking about the future of terrorism and global security will result in improved decision making. If not, we are in for a wild ride.

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