sábado, abril 26, 2008

Especulación y el Banco Mundial detrás de la crisis alimentaria

Se culpa a cambio climático, al consumo de China e India, pero hay algo más. Como cayó el mercado inmobiliario mundial debido a la crisis hipotecaria en Estados Unidos, el enorme dinero sobrante se va a especular a lo único que quedaba, las materias primas. Primero los metales, ahora, los alimentos. Copio de Al Jazzera:

"World financers have also contibuted to the food price problem.

Commodities have attracted investors looking for a safe haven from failing investments in the highly-leverage mortgage sector. Amid this speculation, world wheat prices rose 70 per cent between 2005 and 2007.

In the same period, corn gained 80 per cent in value, while dairy prices nearly doubled.

A senior UN official has said that global investment funds and the weak dollar are largely to blame for the world's rise in food prices.

"The crisis is a speculative attack and it will last", Jose Graziano, the UN food and farm organisation's regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, said.

"The lack of confidence in the [US] dollar has led investment funds to look for higher returns in commodities ... first metals and then foods."

PD. Rap Patel examina en The Guardian como la política de liberalización indiscriminada de los mercados de alimentos (que no permite hacer reservas), impulsada por el Banco Mundial, ha provocado esta crisis, que no tiene nada de natural. Tiene culpables con nombres y apellidos.

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