viernes, agosto 29, 2008

Ratings, televisión y política en Estados Unidos


¿Quién vió ayer el discurso de Obama por la televisión de Estados Unidos? 38 millones de personas según Nielsen. ¿Eso qué significa? Pongamóslo en perpectiva con la gente que ha visto por tele otros eventos, pero hay un vacío: Nielsen no reporta la gente que ha visto el discurso por internet gracias a CNN o You Tube. Copio del reporta de la Associated Press:

Nielsen Media Research said more people watched Obama speak than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, the final "American Idol" or the Academy Awards this year.

His TV audience nearly doubled the amount of people who watched John Kerry accept the Democratic nomination to run against President Bush four years ago. Kerry's speech was seen by just over 20 million people.

Obama's audience might be higher, since Nielsen didn't have an estimate for how many people watched Obama on PBS or C-SPAN Thursday night.

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